Onkológia 3/2013

Pseudomyxoma peritonei and epithelial appendiceal malignancy

Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is a rare peritoneal carcinomatosis, characterized by a slowly progressive disease process with a large amount of mucus containing occasional epithelial cells. If rupture of the wall of the mucocele occurs with either low-grade or high-grade disease, the epithelial cels within will disseminate to the peritoneal surfaces. Adequate systemic treatment to eradicate this disease there is no. If the diagnosis of peritoneal dissemination of an appendiceal malignancy has been established, a new treatment with curative intent is indicated. Author advert on excelent results in patients with PMP treated by this procedure. Surgery in which there is disregard for the peritoneum as the first line of defense in carcinomatosis will jeopardize subsequent attempts to achieve an optimal cytoreduction. Author shows algorithm of the management patients with PMP carcinosis and necessity centralisation those rarity disease on surgery oncology department where exercised cytoreductive surgery combined with HIPEC procedure.

Keywords: mucocele, carcinosis, cytoreductive surgery, hyperthermia, intraperitoneal chemotherapy, HIPEC.