Protinádorová liečba u pacientov s renálnou insuficienciou // SOLEN

Onkológia 2/2011

Antineoplastic treatment of patients with renal insufficency

Kidneys are the main route of elimination for many antineoplastic drugs and their metabolites. The kidney dysfunction may lead to the drug cumulation in organism with the resulting increased systemic toxicity. A lot of used cytostatics requires a dose modification at different levels of renal insufficiency. Due to the lack of data from clinical trials, the limiting of systemic toxicity is difficult especially in patients with severe renal impairment or patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis. The following article is focused on the preventive strategies dealing with recommended dosing modification of various antineoplastic agents in patients with renal insufficiency.

Keywords: renal insufficiency, hemodialysis, dosing modification.