Prehľad molekulovej patológie lymfómov zo spektra difúzneho veľkobunkového B-lymfómu // SOLEN

Onkológia 2/2015

Molecular pathology of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma – a review

The presented work represents a brief overview of molecular-pathological characteristics of a group of malignant lymphomas, which are usually designated as „diffuse large B-cell lymphomas“ (DLBCL). In reality, they represent various groups and subgroups of heterogenous lymphoma entities – in accordance with WHO lymphoma classification the „DLBCL“ category includes: DLBCL, not otherwise specified, DLBCL subtypes defined separately as well as other lymphomas of large B-cells of an immunocompetent and immunocompromised patient resp. The category „DLBCL“ represents a spectrum of aggressive up to highly aggressive lymphomas with heterogenous morphology, biology and clinical characteristics. The discussed molecular-pathological characteristics contribute to the understanding of lymphoma etiopathogenesis, help in the diagnostic and differential-diagnostics processes, allow prognostic stratifications of the patients and with increasing importance show also predictive value for the indication of an adequate therapy of the DLBCL patients.

Keywords: diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, other large B-cell lymphomas, molecular biology, prognostic factors, predictive factors, FISH diagnostics, gene expression profiles.