Postavenie inhíbitorov aromatázy v adjuvantnej liečbe potmenopauzálnych žien s hormonálne pozitívnym karcinómom prsníka // SOLEN

Onkológia 2/2009

Postavenie inhíbitorov aromatázy v adjuvantnej liečbe potmenopauzálnych žien s hormonálne pozitívnym karcinómom prsníka

Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) in postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive early breast cancer significantly reduce risk of relapse when compared with tamoxifen. However, reduction in the risk of relapse, in the majority, do not translate into more significant benefit in overall survival. AIs have different toxic profile with fewer tromboembolic events and less endometrial cancers and, on the other hand, AIs have increased risk of musculoskeletal events, mainly atralgic syndrome and accelerated bone resorption, which may lead to increased risk of developing osteoporosis and bone fractures, when compared to tamoxifen. According to the most recent data we have three main therapeutic strategies with AIs: upfront therapy with AI, sequential therapy with AI after 2-3- or 5-years of tamoxifen. Thus decision about optimal adjuvant therapy is surprisingly complicated. The article summarizes the most recent data from published phase III clinical trials with AIs in postmenopausal women with early breast cancer.

Keywords: adjuvant treatment, postmenopausal breast carcinoma, aromatase inhibitors