Pokračujúca liečba hepatocelulárneho karcinómu sorafenibom po rádiologickej progresii ochorenia – kazuistika // SOLEN

Onkológia 2/2016

Continuuing treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma with sorafenib after radiological progression – case report

Objective: The main aim of our case report is to show the possibility how to prolong survival of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after radiological progression with sorafenib treatment. Case report: It reports the disease of 65 year old patient with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in the field of liver cirrhosis toxic – alcohol liver disease etiology: T2N0M0, Child-Pugh B7, AFP 5.29, BCLC – C, performance status (PS) 0 WHO. Orthotopic liver transplantation and other resection was not indicated. Indicating seminar was held on the use of sorafenib. This was administred almost 5 years with adjusting the dose as was tolerated. Despite radiological evidence of disease progression in the liver, we continued therapy and achieved better survival. Conclusion: Patients with moderately advanced HCC are a heterogeneous group, who differ the characteristics of the tumor and liver function. Systemic treatment with sorafenib improves survival in patients where it is not possible locoregional treatment (TACE), or as continued treatment if there is disease progression in good performance status patients.

Keywords: hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC, sorafenib, disease progression