Onkológia 1/2009

Pathology and malignant potential of teratomas in children and adolescents – theoretical basisses and pathogenesis

Germ cell tumors (GCT) are infrequent in childhood, occurring at a rate of 2.4 cases per milion children and representing approximately 1% of cancers diagnosed in persons younger than 15 years (1). Incidence of GCT in Slovak Republic for children 0 – 19 years old in years 2000 – 2003 was 36 per milion (2). GCT show numerous histologic subtypes. Teratomas are the most common histologic subtype of childhood GCT arising in ovary and extragonadal locations. Their biologic behaviour is significantly influenced by various variables including the age at diagnosis, sex, tumor site, histogenesis and histology as well as cyto- and molecular genetic aberrations (3).

Keywords: teratoma, germ cell tumor, pediatric oncology, pathology, malignant potential