Orgán zachovávajúci protokol pri liečbe karcinómu hypofaryngu a laryngu // SOLEN

Onkológia 4/2009

Organ preservation protocol of treatment hyppolaryngeal and laryngeal cancer

Radical surgery followed by postoperative radiotherapy is still the most effective treatment option for advanced resectable head and neck cancer. In the case of advanced T3-4 laryngeal cancer involving hypopharynx and T3–4 hypopharyngeal cancer growing on larynx is surgery effective only by the way of laryngectomy. Long- term survival studies found out, that there is no significant difference between surgical and non-surgical treatment. Development of chemotherapy and improvement of radiotherapeutical methods enhanced the consequence of non-.surgical treatment. Last decade an organ preservation protocol for laryngeal/hypopharyngeal carcinomas was installed in the field of E.N.T. oncology. Preserved larynx as organ of respiration, fonation and airway closure improves patient´s quality of life. Indications for including patient into this protocol are discussed in this paper. Group of 9 patients treated in Otorhinolaryngologic department University Hospital in cooperation with Oncologic department in Bratislava is introduced without evaluation of long term results yet.

Keywords: organ preservation protocol of treatment, T3-4 laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer, inductive chemotherapy CDDP and 5FU