Onkológia 4/2020

Nutritional complications among cured oncological patients

Nutritional complications among cured oncological patients are a result of comprehensive oncological treatment. It addresses a various group of issues/problems such as the importance of nutritional/food intake through feeding tubes or stomas, post-resectional health conditions, various post-radiation complications of the gastrointestinal tract, malabsorption syndrome of vitamines and other nutrients, SIBO - small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and more. The treatment must be complex and includes heavy regime measures, medicamentous and surgical treatment. A not so small part of pliant treatment of malnutrition is parenteral nutrition support at home, such as in the case of SBS-syndrome of short collon treatment. If the nutritional complications are not identified and treated early on, they lead to development of severe malnutrition, including all the consequences that lead to worsening the life of quality.

Keywords: feeding tubes, syndrome of short collon, enteral and parenteral nutrition, SIBO, malnutrition