Nové trendy v liečbe nesvetlobunkového karcinómu obličky // SOLEN

Onkológia 4/2022

New trends in the treatment of non-small cell renal cell carcinoma

Non- clear cell renal cancer (non-CC-RCC) is a heterogenous group of malignancies. Several oncogenic drivers have been identified. Surgery remains the main therapeutic option in early-stage non-CC-RCC. TKI, mTOR inhibitors and immunotherapy are options in firstline treatment of advanced non-CC-RCC. In collecting-duct carcinoma and medullar carcinoma, cytostatic treatment can be utilized. Cabozantinib is preferred drug in first- line treatment of papillar non-CC-RCC. There are no clear guidelines for second- line and further treatment. Ongoing clinical trials will bring new knowledge regarding proper treatment of this disease.

Keywords: non-clear cell cancer, papillar carcinoma, chromophobe carcinoma, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, chemotherapy