Nové odporúčania pre adjuvantnú a 1. líniu liečby metastatického karcinómu obličky zo svetlých buniek // SOLEN

Onkológia 4/2022

New recommendations for adjuvant and first-line treatment of metastatic clear cell renal carcinoma

The treatment of clear cell renal carcinoma has seen significant progress in recent decades. We can call the year 2021 a breakthrough. This is not only progress in the treatment of metastatic kidney cancer, but mainly partial progress in adjuvant treatment. Research into adjuvant treatment of renal cell carcinoma was initiated because of the high rate of recurrence after nephrectomy in patients with localized disease. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors commonly used in the treatment of metastatic disease have failed in this phase of treatment. Finally, in 2021, an effective drug, pembrolizumab, was approved as an adjuvant treatment for the treatment of patients at risk of recurrence after nephrectomy. Respectively in patients with metastatic disease after nephrectomy and removal of all metastatses.

Keywords: clear cell renal carcinoma, adjuvant therapy, imnunotherapy, tyrosine kinase inhibitors