Neuroendokrinné nádory z pohľadu onkológa // SOLEN

Onkológia 4/2011

Neuroendocrine tumors from oncologist's point of view

Neuroendocrine tumors (NET) are a heterogeneous group of relatively rare "orphan" tumors differ in the structure, histogenetically and biological behaviour from common epithelial tumors. Their incidence and prevalence have been increasing over the last decades. Clinical symptomatology is associated not only with the local activity of the tumor but often also with hormon overproduction. NET express somatostatin receptors. The distribution of receptors can explain and, before treatment, predict response to therapy and the antineoplastic action of somatostatin analogues that remains poorly understood biologically.The use of somatostatin analogues in palliative care was an important breakthough in the treatment.Implemantetion of biological treatment this progress even multiplies. NET diagnosis and management require a multidisciplinary team approch.

Keywords: neuroendocrine tumor, somatostatin receptor, somatostatin analogue.