Onkológia 4/2014

Neuroblastoma in children

Neuroblastoma is the most frequent extracranial solid tumour of childhood. Together with ganglioneuroblastoma and ganglioneuroma belong to the group of neuroblastic tumours, which origin are derived from immature cells of sympathetic nervous system. While ganglioneuroblastoma is characterized by high degree of differentiation and isconsidered as benign tumour, the malignant variant shave very variable behaviour. On one side there are observed spontanneous remissions in infants also in case of metastatic disease and relatively good prognosis have patients with localized disease too. On the other side in practice we meet the most often with diseminated metastatic neuroblastomas. These patients comprise more than half of all cases. Despite multimodal treatment their prognosis is unfavourable and in pediatric oncology they belong to the bad curable tumours. The over view of diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities in current pediatric oncology is bringing next survey artical.

Keywords: neuroblastoma, children, diagnostic, therapy, transplantation.