Neurobiológia nádorových chorôb: od empírie k dôkazom // SOLEN

Onkológia 5/2011

Neurobiology of cancer: from empirism to evidences

Besides interactions between tumor and immune cells, bidirectional transmission of signals between tumor and nervous systems occurs. Experimental and clinical studies proved that signals related to tumor growth are transmitted to the central nervous system and influence activity of several structures. Consequently, the central nervous system may modulate proliferation of tumor cells and development of metastases. This assumption is supported by several facts: certain tumors are innervated; neurotransmitters influence proliferation of tumor cells and development of metastases; activation of nervous system (e.g. as a consequence of stress reaction) may influence progression of tumor. Investigation of mechanisms of bi-directional communication between tumor cells and the central nervous system (neurobiology of cancer) enables complex view of cancer etiopathogenesis and create basis for new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in oncology.

Keywords: innervation, neurobiology of tumors, neurotransmitters, psychoneuroimmunology, stress