Nemelanómová rakovina kože – etiopatogenéza, klinický obraz, diagnostika a liečba // SOLEN

Onkológia 3/2009

Non melanoma skin cancer – etiopathogenesis, clinic, diagnostic and treatment

The incidence of non melanoma skin cancer has permanently increasing tendency in populations of European origin. The similar situation is in Slovakia too. It is the most frequent cancer in Caucassian. The UVR is considered as the most important factor for development of such diseases. UV exposure leads to the generation of alterations in nuclear genes such as the p53 tumour suppressor gene as well as in the other genome in the cell – namely mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Except traditional surgical treatment, noninvasive treatment modalities are increasingly used, namely for superficial lesions.Together with them, also markant development of new noninvasive diagnostic technologies was observed in the last decade.The shift from the older age groups to the younger ones, forced us to give increased attention to this problem.

Keywords: non melanoma skin cancer, etiopathogenesis, clinic, diagnostic, treatment