Onkológia 4/2011

Options of nuclear medicine methods in the diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumors

In the work are writed about the in vivo and in vitro nuclear medicine examination methods used in the diagnostic of the tumors of neuroendocrine origine. They are the imaging methods (gamagraphic – scintigraphic methods, positron emission tomography) after administration of varied radiopharmaceuticals: 111In-octreotide, 123I-MIBG (metaiodbenzylguanidine) and 18FDG (fluorodeoxyglucose) with the PET (positron emission tomography). From in vitro methods look back about rádioimunoanalytic methods. Reminiscence also the posibilities of the radionuclide therapy.

Keywords: neuroendocrinne tumors, carcinoids, scintigraphy, 111In- octreotide, 123I-MIBG, 18FDG/PET, RIA methods.