Molekulová patológia karcinómu prostaty (1. časť) // SOLEN

Onkológia 3/2009

Molecular pathology of prostate carcinoma (part 1)

Prostate carcinoma (PC) is a heterogeneous malignant disease with complex etiopathogenesis, in which the hereditary, hormonal, diet and environmental factors play an important role. Initiation and progression of this disease are associated with numerous genetic and epigenetic alterations, which not only modify its morphological image, but affect its biological behaviour. In the evolution of PC there are premalignant lesions such as proliferative inflammatory atrophy and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, furthermore localized carcinomas with indolent duration as well as aggressive advanced forms with distant metastases. The transition from hormone dependent carcinoma to the androgen resistant cancer form with different therapeutic approaches is basic essence of this evolution line. Nowadays, there are at least three developmental levels of PC with different genetic and epigenetic alterations and biological behaviour. Therefore, knowledge of molecular basis of PC is essential for comprehension of its biology and prediction prognosis as well as search for effective therapy.

Keywords: prostate, carcinoma, molecular, gene