Molekulárne markery cielenej liečby u vybraných onkologických malignít // SOLEN

Onkológia 2/2010

Molecular markers of targeted therapy in oncology malignancies

Acquirement knowledge of the pathogenesis of cancer at the molecular level allowed development new therapeutic options of targeted therapy. Cancer is complex process which is characterized by multiple genetic and molecular alternations affecting the cell proliferation, survival, differentiation and invasion. According to biological diversity of cancer it is unlike that attacking only one of these targets will achieve of entire eliminate a malignant cells. The basic problem of targeted therapy is genesis of early resistance, which is due to accumulating new oncogenic mutations and signaling pathways. The creation of panel molecular markers will be key to more effective targeted therapy, which will allow development of individual therapeutic strategies.

Keywords: tyrosin kinase inhibitors, BCR-ABL, c-kit, PDGFRA, K-ras, EGFR.