Onkológia 2/2015

Metastatic prostate cancer - new therapeutical approaches

This review is devoted to new approaches in metastatic prostate cancer treatment. Objective is to summarize results of published studies, to put them into context and to state the indication criteria of new drugs in Slovakia. Initial androgen deprivation therapy with six cycles of docetaxel might considered to be the new standard for high volume metastatic castration-sensitive disease (visceral metastases and/or four or more bone metastases including at least one bone metastasis beyond the axial skeleton or pelvis). Radium-223 improves survival in castration-resistant disease with bone metastases. The indication for cabazitaxel is second line after progresion on docetaxel with prednison. Both, abiraterone with prednison and enzalutamide improve overall survival in docetaxel-pretreated as well as chemotherapy-naive patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer.

Keywords: prostate cancer, docetaxel, radium-223, cabazitaxel, abiraterone.