Onkológia 3/2009

Management ovarian brain metastasis

Ovarian cancer is the cause of the most frequent mortality and morbidity from gynaecologist malignant diseases. Nowadays, the standard treatment is the optimal debulkization with the following platinum chemotherapy at all the histological subtypes. Even despite the progress in the surgery and chemotherapy, in the last years 5-year-survival at the patients with initially progressive disease has remained relatively low. One of the least favourable situations is the presence of brain metastasis where the survival is limited only to a few weekends. The brain metastases are not very common at ovarian cancer even despite the fact that in the last years there has been in decrease. Brain metastases typically occur metachromically. Our patient had metachromic metastasis in the brain without the presence of extra cranial disease. Radiotherapy in the area of brain metastasis in a monotherapy was secure and well tolerated at the relatively good efficiency.

Keywords: ovarian cancer, brain metastasis, radiotherapy, surgery