Onkológia 1/2012

Malignant uveal melanoma – diagnostics, therapy, prognosis

Malignant uveal melanoma is the most common intraocular tumor in adults. The complications of this tumor are decrease of vision, loss of the eye and death from metastatic disease. Incidence is 5.1 per million. Diagnostics is based on complete ophthalmologic examination and imaging methods (ultrasound examination, magnetic resonance imaging). Therapeutic approach can be divided to eye globe sparing (radiotherapy, microsurgical resection) and radical methods (enucleation, orbital exenteration). Systemic therapy to prevent a metastatic spread has not been developed yet. Prognosis after metastatic spread (in 50% of patients) is poor. Progression to metastatic disease is related to some prognostic factors knowing that genetic abnormalities seem to be most reliable.

Keywords: malignant uveal melanoma, intraocular tumor, diagnostics, therapy, prognostic factors.