Onkológia 2/2020

Treatment of myelofibrosis in time ruxolitinib

Myelofibrosis is a rare and with its course severe myeloid malignancy. It belongs to the standard subtypes of Ph- myeloproliferative neoplasm. With the exception of bone marrow transplant, the only potentionally curative method, all medical treatments for myelofibrosis are aimed at adjusting the symptoms, without the ability to influence the native progressive nature of the disease. The choice of treatment measures is decided not only on the basis of biological variation of the disease (extent of splenomegaly, degree of fibrosis, mutations) but also on the individual variability of the patient (age, comorbidity). Ruxolitinib, inhibitor of JAKI/JAK2 expanded our treatment options. Its potential to reduce splenomegaly and to induce adjusting the symptoms is indubitable and there is increasing evidence about its effect in improving the survival of patients.

Keywords: myelofibrosis, ruxolitinib