Liečba metastatického svetlobunkového karcinómu obličky po zlyhaní I. línie // SOLEN

Onkológia 4/2014

Treatment of metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma after failure of first-line treatment

Renal cell carcinoma annually affects 170 000 people worldwide and is a cause of death in 72 000 cases. In the recent years treatment options for metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma have significantly expanded with the introduction of targeted therapy. In case of failure of first-line treatment there is a number of therapeutic options. In patients after disease progression on cytokines we have the most data on the effectiveness of sorafenib and axitinib. In patients after failure of anti-VEGFR treatment it is not known whether more effective are mTOR or second-generation VEGFR inhibitors. When choosing a treatment strategy it is necessary to take into account the efficacy and toxicity of previous treatment.Key words: renal cell carcinoma, VEGFR inhibitors, mTOR inhibitors.

Keywords: renal cell carcinoma, VEGFR inhibitors, mTOR inhibitors.