Kvalita života pacientov po onkologickej liečbe // SOLEN

Onkológia 3/2015

Quality of life of patients after oncological treatment

Quality of life is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. It is conditionally multidimensional and multi-factor conditional. Usually, in medicine we monitor the impact of the disease on the physical and mental state of the patient’s subjective point of view. The quality of life of cancer patients affects psychological and somatic symptoms, e. g. depression, anxiety, changes in the perception of their own body image and self-esteem, decreased libido, pain, anger, fear from the future and from relapse, gastrointestinal upset, lymphedema, stoma, fatigue, insomnia. Important role have also a failures of cognitive functions arising as a result of treatment toxicity.

Keywords: quality of life, mental health problems, cognitive functions.