Komplikácie diagnostiky pľúcneho karcinómu v gravidite // SOLEN

Onkológia 6/2014

The complications of lung cancer diagnostic process

Purpose: The occurance of lung cancer during pregnancy is a rare event. Breast cancer, cervical cancer, leukemias and lymphomas are diagnosed more often. Patient´s management, including diagnostic and therapy is a difficult multistep process. The main aim of this article is to provide information about this problem. Case a results: Our case report describes the progress of the disease of 23 years old patient. The diagnosis of lung malignancy was suspected at 6th month of gravidity, but advanced lung adenocarcinoma (T4N2M0-1a?, EGFR wild type, ALK mutated) was confirmed a few days after childbearing. The cause of this was patient´s non-complianance and fear of the radiology imaging methods´ indication. The patient was initially treated with chemotherapy doublet cisplatin and pemetrexed. Because of toxicity and disease progresion on chest X-ray, second line of treatment with crizotinib was indicated with good response. Conclusion: The lung cancer is diagnosed in pregnancy rarely. This diagnose is confirmed at advanced stage more often, when only paliative treatement is indicated. Despite of low incidence, we must think about lung cancer in pregnancy in justified cases. We also should talk to patient and choose the right diagnostic algoritm and therapy (if it is needed).

Keywords: pregnancy, imaging studies, lung cancer, oncogenetic status, panhypopituitarism.