Onkológia 3/2009

Classification of cutanoues malignant lymphomas according to recently published new WHO classification (2008)

Cutaneous non-Hodgkin lymphomas represent a part of the spectrum of cutanous lymphoproliferative disorders and a heterogenous group of the tumours from the point of view of their T/NK- or B-cell as well as of their topographic origin. Many of them represent organspecific tumours. Diagnosis and managment of cutaneous lymphomas are dependent on an adequate terminology and classification´s approach, which have changed under the influence of WHO/EORTC classification (2005), WHO classification of cutaneous tumours (2006) and WHO classification of malignant lymphomas (2001, 2008). In the review, all classification´s approaches are compared and a clinically useful approach for the cutaneous lymphomas biopsy diagnosis, classification and staging is recommended.

Keywords: cutaneous lymphoproliferations, primary and secondary cutaneous lymphomas, WHO-EORTC cutaneous lymphoma classification, WHO classification of skin tumours, WHO classification of malignant lymphomas