Kedy je indikovaná adjuvantná liečba (po primárnej operačnej terapii) u karcinómu krčka maternice? // SOLEN

Onkológia 6/2010

What are the indications of adjuvant treatment in cervical carcinoma after primary surgery?

Currently cervical cancer represents approximately 4 % of all cancer diagnoses, being the 7th most common cancer (1, 2). The standard management of patients with early cervical carcinoma is surgical treatment. Chemoradiation therapy is accepted as a standard of care for locally advanced disease (≥ IIB). Concurrent chemotherapy (usually cisplatin based) produced significantly improved survival and local relapse rates. The future development will be based on the improvement of sexual education, prevention and therapeutical modalities.

Keywords: adjuvant therapy, cervical carcinoma, radiotherapy, chemotherapy.