Kastračne rezistentný karcinóm prostaty v roku 2013 // SOLEN

Onkológia 3/2013

Castration resistant prostate cancer in the year 2013

Prostate cancer (PC) is the most frequent solid neoplasm in Europe and therefore is regarded as one of the major medical problemsof the male population. PC is extremely complicated and interindividual different tumor. The method of treatment depends on several factors, but mainly on the stage of prostate cancer. The term Hormone resistant (refractory) prostate cancer (HRPC) was used in older terminology. HRPC is cancer that progresses despite castrate levels of testosterone achieved androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), wchich is resistant to any hormonal therapy. Currently is increasingly used (instead of name HRPC) name CRPC – so called PC resistant for castration (CRPC – castration resistant prostate cancer), which is still able to respond to certain hormonal manipulation, although it meets the the criteria for HRPC. Objectives of article: provide information to the general medical community (and especially urologists and oncologists) mainly about a treatment of complicated issues of CRPC. The basic data on the current and future. The article presented basic data on the current and future possibilities of such therapy and increasing basic knowledge about treating CRPC should improve the care of patients with advanced PC.

Keywords: castration refractory (resistant) prostate cancer, definition, diagnosis, therapy, therapy perspective.