Karcinóm prostaty – zásady hormonálnej liečby // SOLEN

Onkológia 3/2006


Hormone manipulation represents the basis of therapy in the treatment of locally advanced and metastatic prostate cancer. Currently, hormone therapy is increasingly being used also in earlier stages of prostate cancer. The paper describes the basis of hormone regulations of prostate and the most often used types of hormone at present: bilateral orchiectomy, LHRH agonists and nonsteroidal and steroidal antiandrogens. Many aspects of treatment of prostate cancer are still controversial. The following issues are discussed: combined androgen blockade, intermittent androgen blockade, early and deferred therapy and possibilities of treatment of relapse in patients previously treated for localised prostate cancer. The emphasis is given to the followup of patients after hormone treatment. In patients treated by LHRH agonists the role of testosterone control is highlighted.

Keywords: prostate cancer, hormone treatment.