Onkológia 5/2023

Infectious complications in the treatment of oncohematological patients – can they be prevented?

Therapy either in oncology and hematooncology has evolved rapidly over the last years and is followed by development in the field of supportive care, which brings safely progress in both inpatient and outpatient basis. The importance of infection control and prevention (ICP) in the outcomes of patients is so great, that it has become an essential requirement for health care facilities and calls for multidisciplinary approach. Unique aspects of ICP for immunocompromissed oncohematological patients that have gained momentum over the past decades are related to catheter-related infections, multidrug-resistant organisms, community-aquired viral infections and impact of the health care enviroment on the horizontal transmission of organisms.

Keywords: hematological malignancies, infection control, prevention, immunocompromissed