Gastrointestinální nádory u dětí a adolescentů – rozdíly od GI onkologie dospělých // SOLEN

Onkológia 4/2016

Gastrointestinal tumors in children and adolescents – difference from the adult gastrointestinal cancer

Gastrointestinal tumors in children and adolescents are very rare. They differ from the adult gastrointestinal cancer in different histological types of tumors, their incidence, etiology and clinical symptoms. Experience with their diagnosis and treatment are limited. The fundamental difference from the adult gastrointestinal cancer is absence of pediatric clinical trials. An exception is the treatment of pediatric non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Cooperation and experience of adult`s oncology are therefore necessary.

Keywords: gastrointestinal tumors, pediatric tumors, differences, clinical studies