Onkológia 1/2014

Pharmacoeconomics and ethics in oncology: ethical dilemmas and possible solutions

Treatment using modern oncology drugs poses nowadays an important economical and ethical problem, particularly with regard to securing an appropriate access and its economical sustainability. Solution of the concrete ethical problem or conflict requires a rational, well structured procedure that respects different ethical backgrounds and ways of ethical reasoning present in contemporary pluralistic society. The aim is to achieve feasible solutions that would be acceptable for all parties involved in the ethical problem/conflict. An institutional help in qualified appraisal and solving of ethical problems connected with the allocation of scarce financial and other resources for health care provision may be provided by the ethics committees. An appropriate education of health care professionals and health care managers in questions of health care ethics and bioethics is also of a major importance.

Keywords: pharmacoeconomics, ethics, oncology drugs, QALY, ethics committees.