Extrakraniálna stereotaktická rádioterapia // SOLEN

Onkológia 2/2016

Stereotactic body radiotherapy

The aim is to review technology and indications of stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT). SBRT has been developed in the last few years and allows the hypofractionated treatment of extracranial tumours, using either single or limited number of dose fractions, resulting in the delivery of biologically high effective dose with low toxicity. Effectivity of SBRT is based on high level of accuracy of tumour localisation, dose distribution conformity, setup verification and compensation of breathing motions. Due to high dose per fraction, clinicians must pay attention to new healthy tissues dose limits and new radiobiological models are required. Currently, SBRT is considered safe and effective treatment of tumours otherwise untreatable by the means of conventional radiotherapy or surgery. Early lung cancer has become standard indication in inoperable patients. SBRT seems to be effective in many other indications like liver tumours, pancreatic cancer, bone metastases, prostate cancer and in head and neck and pelvic reirradiation.

Keywords: stereotactic body radiotherapy, hypofractionation, lung cancer