Eribulin v liečbe karcinómu prsníka // SOLEN

Onkológia 1/2015

Eribulin in treatment of breast cancer

Metastatic breast cancer MBC is a chemosensitive disease.Treatment strategies for patients with MBC must consider the disease-free interval,the number and type of prior chemotherapeutic, endocrine and targeted agents, prior sensitivity to treatment, tolerability, patients preference and quality of life. In the metastatic setting where in most cases cure is not possible, the goal of treatment is to achieve stabilization, extend life expectancy and ensure quality of life is maintained. New treatment option have now helped prolong the survival of patients with MBC. Eribulin mesylate is a non-taxane microtubule inhibitor, it is drug that can prolong the survival of patients with breast cancer. The mechamism of action, pharmacokinetics, the efficacy and safety data of this new agent are presented in this paper.

Keywords: metastatic breast cancer, chemotherapy, eribulin.