Onkológia S3/2018

Long-term control of a resistant/relapsing myeloma by combinated immunochemotherapy – case report

Purpose: Over the last decade, significant progress has been made in recognizing multiple myeloma biology and individualized treatment. Several drug groups have been put into practice, such as proteasome inhibitors and immunomodulators, that have prolonged treatment responses. Case: In our work we present the case of a patient with multiple myeloma whose treatment with pomalidomide in combination with dexamethasone led to a long-term control of a resistant/relapsing disease in a very complicated course of the disease. Conclusion: The treatment results of the reported patient show the importance of using the combination of ixazomib, pomalidomide and dexametasone therapy to achieve prolongation of survival.

Keywords: multiple myeloma, pomalidomide, ixazomib, survival