Chyloperitoneum po radikálnych onkogynekologických operáciách // SOLEN

Onkológia 1/2010

Chylous ascites after radical oncogynecological operations

Improving the quality of surgical equipment on operating theatres and better quality of anaesthesia and postoperative care on the intensive care units, rises also radicality of surgical procedures. Systematic pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy is more frequently performed in gynecologic oncology. It is indicated in patients with ovarian, endometrial and cervical cancer. Chylous ascites is an infrequent postoperative complication of patients with gynecological cancer. We treated two patients with chylous ascites after surgery of ovarian cancer. In the first case we succeed with conservative treatment, in the second case with surgical treatment. Meticulous dissection techniques and careful control of the major lymphatics by suture ligation during the primary surgical procedures is the best policy to prevent chyloperitoneum.

Keywords: chylous ascites, lymph node dissection, gynecologic cancer