Chemoterapia hormonálne refraktérneho karcinómu prostaty // SOLEN

Onkológia 1/2007

Chemotherapy of hormonally refractory prostatic carcinoma

Prostatic carcinoma is one of the most frequent malignant diseases of males. expectation of increasing incidence of this disease goes together with population growing old. Androgenic deprivation has been first line therapy of metastatic prostate cancer for more than 60 years. Most of the patients with disseminated disease become resistent to hormonal treatment after 2-3 years. Bones and lymphatic nodes are the most frequent site of metastasising. Prostatic carcinoma has been considered to be a chemoresistant disease for long time. Recent positive results change the view for this disease.

Keywords: prostatic carcinoma, carcioma refractory to hormonal treatment, randomized trials, cytostatics.