Biomarkery pri zhubných nádoroch ovárií: súčasný stav // SOLEN

Onkológia 3/2014

Biomarkers in ovarian malignant tumors: state of the art

In oncologic research and clinical practice biomarker analysis cannot be used only to identify the presence of a tumor, but also to determine its stage, subtype and ability to respond to therapy. Biomarkers are therefore invaluable tools for detection and diagnosis of malignant tumors, prognosis of patients and choice of treatment. Unfavourable prognosis of ovarian malignant tumors is a result of absence of reliable screening tests and our limited understanding of mechanisms of chemoresistence and relapse. The purpose of this review article is to provide a review of biomarkers used in clinical practice in ovarian malignant tumors. The only two biomarkers approved by US FDA for monitoring of disease recurrence or progression, but not for screening, are CA 125 and HE4. Combinations of biomarkers are under investigation to improve the sensitivity and specificity for early detection of ovarian cancer. OVA-1 is the first diagnostic algorithm approved by US FDA in september 2009, that combines multiple biomarkers for the purpose of triaging adnexal masses. ecent breakthroughs in proteomics and bioinformatics technologies will broaden our understanding of tumor specific biomarkers. Such investigations will establish newer and even more useful biomarkers for more accurate detection and management of ovarian malignant tumors.

Keywords: biomarker, malignant tumor, proteomics, sensitivity, specificity.