Bevacizumab v liečbe pacientok s karcinómom vaječníka v NOÚ // SOLEN

Onkológia 6/2015

Bevacizumab in the treatment of patients with ovarian carcinoma

Aim of the study: To evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of BEV in the treatment of ovarian carcinoma. Patients: 90 patients with ovarian carcinoma treated with chemotherapy (CHT) and BEV from January 2011 to January 2015 in NOÚ. Methods: Retrospective analysis of progression – free survival (PFS) and toxicity in patients treated with BEV in first line treatment and relapse. Results: BEV with CHT were administered in first line treatment in 75 patients. Median PFS was 18,9 months (M). Toxicity grade 3 was recorded in 16 patients, hypertension (12), proteinuria (3), trombosis (1). 15 patients with recurrent disease were treated with BEV, 13 of them with platinum-sensitive and two with platinum-resistant disease. Patients with platinum-sensitive disease reached median PFS 19,8 (M). Median follow up in all patients was 8,7 months. Conclusion: Bevacizumab in the treatment of ovarian carcinoma is high tolerable, withdrawn for toxicity occurred just in a few cases. The results of efficacy of BEV are comparable with the results of large published randomized study, but the comparison is limited for the small number patients and retrospective study design.

Keywords: ovarian cancer, bevacizumab, progression free survival, toxicity, retrospective.