Adjuvantná rádioterapia karcinómu endometria // SOLEN

Onkológia 4/2010

Adjuvant radiotherapy of endometrial carcinoma

The role of adjuvant (postoperative) radiotherapy of endometrial carcinoma remains controversial. Although the extent of primary surgery has been well defined, the value of pelvic and paraaortal lymphadenectomy in primary treatment and its significance relative to postoperative radiotherapy remains to be clearly determined. There is a major variability in treatment decisions regarding postoperative external pelvic radiotherapy or intravaginal brachytherapy between centers. Clinical studies have changed postoperative therapy paradigms. Indications and extent of adjuvant radiotherapy have been limited in early endometrial cancer. Chemotherapy in addition to or instead of radiotherapy in advanced stage and in high-risk of distant failure has been investigated. Postoperative radiotherapy of endometrial cancer in the context of primary surgery and chemotherapy is discussed.

Keywords: endometrial cancer, adjuvant radiotherapy, brachytherapy.