Adjuvantná liečba kolorektálnych nádorov u geriatrických onkologických pacientov // SOLEN

Onkológia 4/2007

Adjuvant therapy of colorectal cancer in elderly patients

Colorectal cancer is a disease of the aging, and population of older people is growing rapidly. Oncologists who have cared for elderly understand that their treatment needs are different than those young people. Adjuvant chemotherapy treatment in the elderly is becoming an increasingly important issue for oncologist. Older people with cancer may have more varied responses to the toxicities of chemotherapy than their younger counterparts. elderly patients with colorectal cancer have been underrepresented in clinical trials, and patients are often given less intense and possibly inferior standard as a function of age. Ongoing clinical trials targeting the elderly may help answer questions about the relative risks and benefit of adjuvant treatment. Recent data show that most fit elderly patients derive a benefit from standard adjuvant chemotherapy regimens.

Keywords: colorectal cancer, adjuvant chemotherapy, elderly.