Onkológia 3/2022

Abemaciclib in first-line treatment of HR+, HER2- breast cancer with visceral metastases in a premenopausal patient

Purpose: The combination of endocrine therapy and cyclin-dependent kinases 4/6 inhibitors is standard of care in hormone receptorpositive HER-2 negative advanced breast cancer. Case: 47-year- old premenopausal patient presented with dyspnea and exulcerated, hormone receptor- positive, HER-2 negative left- sided breast carcinoma, with metastatic spread to axillar lymph nodes, skin, suspected skeletal lesions and extensive bilateral pulmonal infiltration. She initiated therapy consisting of aromatase inhibitor, gosereline and abemaciclib. After only two cycles of therapy we observed clinical regression of breast tumor and axillar lymphadenopathy, radiologic regression of pulmonary metastases as well as decrease in serum tumor markers. At the tenth month of combined therapy, control CT scans repeatedly confirmed stable disease. Conclusion: Presented case report demonstrates rapid and lasting effect of CDK4/6 inhibitor and endocrine therapy in patient with extensive disease which resulted in performance status improvement, allowing for the patient to full time work.

Keywords: abemaciclib, CDK-4/6 inhibitors, advanced HR+/HER2- breast cancer