Neurológia pre prax 3/2011

Idiopathic orbital inflammatory disease

Idiopathic orbital inflammatory disease (IOID) is a relatively common disease – on average, 10 new patients a year are detected in our neuro-ophtalmologic departement alone. IOID is a non-infectious inflammation in the orbit, which behaves like a tumour clinically, but only signs of a chronic inflammation can be found histologicaly. The etiology of this disease is unknown. IOID can infiltrate any soft tissue in the orbit. It presents itself with various clinical symptoms, some of them can resemble any CNS disease. One should think of the diagnosis of IOID when eyelid oedema or ptosis and eye motility disorder is present. IOID is diagnosed according to the clinical features, CT or MR imaging and histology, if it is possible to conduct biopsy. The corticosteroid treatment quickly relieves the pain and diplopia and other clinical symptoms disappear.

Keywords: eye motility disorder, eyelid oedema, ptosis, eye movement paralysis, Tolosa-Hunt syndrome.