Neurológia pre prax 2/2011

Optimal antiepileptic treatment, choice on two axes: Axis I. according to the type of epileptic seizures/syndrome and the priorities of antiepileptic drugs; Axis II. according to patiens individuality

Contemporarry options of pharmacological epilepsy treatment are very broad. They allow us to go further than just to the schematic treatment depending on the type of epileptic seizure/syndrome. In our article we divide the komplex factors important for the choosing the optimal antiepileptic treatment on two axis: Axis I reflects the clasic choice of treatment depending on the type of epileptic seizure/ syndrome and also by wider priorities of a particular drug. Axis II reflects the choice of treatment according to specific patiens type, individuality in its full breadth, and especially according to pateient´s somatic and mental condition.

Keywords: epilepsy, antiepileptic drugs, treatment strategy, choice of antiepileptic treatment.