Neurológia pre prax 5/2014

Compressive ulnar nerve lesion of occupational origin

Compressive ulnar nerve lesions are the second most frequent focal mononeuropathies. The chronic traumatization and nerve damage can occur due to solid grip tools or leaning the elbow during workload in certain professions or grip equipment in sports. From the clinical point of view and according to the symptomatology the lesions can be divided into lesions localized proximally from the elbow, lesions in the elbow, lesions in region of Guyon‘s tunnel and lesions distal to the canal. The pressure lesions in the elbow are the most common ones. They are 10 times more frequent than the lesions in Guyon‘s tunnel. There are two possible sites of damage in the elbow- in the ulnar sulcus or in the cubital tunnel. Electromyographic examination can specify the site of the damage. The basic examination is the motor conduction study with the recommended position of the elbow in the right angle during the measurement and with the distance 10 cm over the elbow. Prognosis of compressive ulnar nerve lesion is better for lesions at an early stage of damage, before the axonal loss starts.

Keywords: ulnar nerve, lesion of the ulnar nerve, entrapment syndromes, electromyography, occupational mononeuropathy.