Ultrasonografická diagnostika subklaviálního steal syndromu a její využití // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 6/2023

Ultrasonographic diagnostics of the subclavian steal syndrome and their practical use

Color duplex sonography is a suitable and accurate imaging method for the diagnostics of the subclavian steal syndrome in all its hemodynamic degrees, aswell as for the detection of stenoses or occlusions of the subclavian and anonymous artery. In this overview article I describe methodology of examination of the subclavian and brachiocephalic arterial stenoses, classification of the steal degrees and assessment of all collateral resources, which are involved in blood supply of the impaired subclavian artery region, including supposed impact for the brain blood perfusion. In the final part of this article some aspects of practical use are mentioned, which may be important for decision making process concerning therapeutic possibilities in selected groups of patients.

Keywords: subclavian steal, subclavian artery stenosis or occlusion, color duplex sonography, evaluation, vertebrobasilar ischemic stroke