Neurológia pre prax 4/2010

Toxic neuropathy

We have detected the 2 major trends in toxic neuropathies in our sample-set: i) professional toxic neuropathies incidence has decreased and ii) the number of drug-induced neuropathies has increased. It was proven that the axonal toxic neuropathies are the most frequent and long nerves are affected most severely. In clinical findings the lesion of sensory fibers prevails above the motor fibers lesion and above the signs of autonomic nerve dysfunction. The most important steps in the diagnostic process are the goal adhered history, the clinical picture, the neurophysiological investigation and blood and urine analysis. If the exposition to the industrial toxin occurred and is confirmed with the diagnostic process, the cooperation with Centre for occupational medicine is unavoidable. Symptomatic therapy is always prescribed, with the possible addition of targeted therapy in some toxic neuropathies, to terminate the neurotoxic medication or stopping the toxic exposition. The basic approach in toxic neuropathies is always the prevention.

Keywords: neurotoxicity, industrial toxins, heavy metals, medicaments, toxic neuropathies.