Systémová intravenózna trombolýza mozgových infarktov – najlepšia alternatíva liečby? // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 3/2014

Systemic intravenous thrombolysis of ischemic strokes – the best treatment alternative?

Systemic intravenous thrombolysis is considered gold standard for the treatment of ischemic cerebral strokes up to 4,5 hours from the onset of symptoms. It´s efficacy and safety are greatest when given lege artis, i. e. at appropriate time, at appropriate dosis and to appropriate patient. Which time is the best? Which dosis is correct? Which patient is the best candidate? Is really systemic thrombolysis the best alternative of treatment for the patients with ischemic stroke? Do we have answers for all these questions? On the basis of recently published data and personal experience we discuss several aspects of this interesting topic.

Keywords: systemic intravenous thrombolysis, ischemic stroke, recombinant plasminogen, activator (rtPA).