Neurológia pre prax 2/2022

GLUT1-deficiency syndrome

GLUT1-deficiency syndrome is a rare neurometabolic brain disorder caused by disruption of glucose transport across the blood-brain barrier. As brain almost completely depends on glucose supply as the main source of energy, and the GLUT-1 represents the main transporter of glucose across the blood-brain barrier, the classic form of the disease manifests by severe consequences of neuroglycopenia: early neurodevelopmental encephalopathy with seizures, acquired microcephaly, cognitive deficit and various persistent or paroxysmal motor (often complex in nature) features such as ataxia, spasticity or dystonia. The evidence of low glucose cerebrospinal fluid level (lower than 2.2 mmol/l) and the low CSF/serum glucose ratio (mostly lower than 0.4) are the most important diagnostic clues. Definite diagnosis, however, lies on the molecular-genetic testing of the SLC2A1 gene. The most efficacious treatment strategy is the ketogenic diet, in which the body utilizes fatty acids as an alternative source of energy for the brain. However, early recognition of the disease and early introduction of ketogenic diet is crucial for better prognosis.

Keywords: GLUT1-deficiency syndrome, SLC2A1, ketogenic diet