Subkutánní forma levodopy – nová intervenční terapie Parkinsonovy nemoci // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 3/2023

Subcutaneous form of levodopa – new device assisted treatment of Parkinson's disease

More than 50 years since the first clinical use of levodopa there has been no mini-invasive way of administration which would maintain a stable level of levodopa in patients´s body. This has now changed with phosphorylated levodopa, co called phospholevodopa which is soluble in water and therefore can be injected subcutaneously using a pumps. Owing to the subcutaneous application this therapeutic method is expected to spread into clinical practice. The authors summarise the aspects of the development and clinical information of the drug.

Keywords: levodopa, foslevodopa, LCIG, Parkinson’s disease, subcutaneous infusion