Spinální program v České republice – historie, současnost, perspektivy // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 3/2013

Spinal program in Czech Republic: past, present, and perspectives

Spinal program in the Czech Republic has a relatively short history. Professor Beneš strived to create specialized spinal centers during fifties and sixties of the last century, however, without any success. The first spinal unit was founded as late as in 1992 in Trauma Hospital of Brno under professor Wendsche management. The establishment of the Czech Spine Surgery Society in 1999 was a crucial for effective realization of spinal program. Its committee has started complex and long-term negotiations with state authorities with the aim to fundamentally extend the care for spinal cord injured (SCI) patients. This effort led in 2002 to the publication of the Ministry of Health Methodical Arrangement, setting up a network of departments ensuring the care for patients after spinal cord injury in a different time periods after the injury. For acute stage 1.a, in first one or two weeks after the injury, the care was directed to one of the fifteen spine surgery departments. For postacute 1.b stage, three to twelve weeks after the injury, four spinal cord units (SCU) were established – existing SCU in Trauma Hospital of Brno, SCU in University Hospital Ostrava, SCU in Liberec Regional Hospital and SCU in University Hospital Motol. For 2nd stage, the spinal rehabilitation units were established in Hamza´s specialized sanatorium for children and adults, Rehabilitation Center Hrabyně and Rehabilitation Center Kladruby. Each patient, discharged from the hospital to home environment, continues to be dispensarized in outpatient part of spinal cord units, nevertheless the basic medical care is provided by general practitioner or a specialist. Subsequent social and work rehabilitation is also important. That’s where non-profit organizations from a different regions of the Czech Republic, play an important role by offering social services, consultancy, personal assistance, aids lending, etc. The aim is to provide the best possible conditions to all spinal cord injured people to be able to live well-rounded life.

Keywords: spinal cord injury, spinal program, spinal cord unit, comprehensive care, rehabilitation.